Significant Growth in Trade Claims the Taliban


3 August 2024


The Taliban have announced that in the solar year 1402, trade in Afghanistan has seen significant growth, reaching approximately 10 billion dollars.

The Taliban's Ministry of Industry and Trade stated that in the past year, Afghanistan had 1.8 billion dollars in exports and 8.2 billion dollars in imports. Officials from this ministry mentioned that there is still a significant disparity between Afghanistan's exports and imports, with imports being considerably higher. Akhundzada Abdul Salam Jawad, the ministry's spokesperson, said in a press conference in Kabul that Afghan products have reached regional countries and even European markets. They have managed to better introduce Afghan products to the world through various exhibitions. The spokesperson said: "Exports of cotton, onions, figs, saffron, and beverages have seen significant increases."
According to Taliban Ministry of Industry and Trade officials, Afghanistan's exports in the past year increased by 54% to Russia, 53% to Turkey, 19% to Iran, 16% to China, and 2.5% to Kazakhstan.