The documentary The Sharp Edge of Peace, directed by Afghan filmmaker Roya Sadat, was screened on Monday evening, November 18, at the European Parliament headquarters in Brussels. The film, which began production during the U.S.-Taliban peace talks and concluded this year, portrays the relentless struggles of Afghan women amidst political and social turmoil.
During the event, several diplomats and European Parliament members attended the screening and praised the documentary as a powerful visual testimony that “confronts viewers with the hidden and visible realities surrounding peace negotiations.”
The Sharp Edge of Peace provides a visual narrative of Afghan women’s efforts to safeguard their rights during times of national crisis and peace negotiations. It highlights both the challenges and hopes of Afghan women, specifically focusing on how peace talks have affected their lives. At its premiere, renowned Hollywood actress Meryl Streep, who introduced the film at a United Nations meeting, lauded it.
Produced by Leslie Thomas, the documentary is a collaborative effort between Roya Film House and Mira Studio. Before its European Parliament debut, The Sharp Edge of Peace was showcased at international festivals in Canada and India and is slated for further screenings at prestigious festivals worldwide.
This film not only tells the story of Afghan women’s resilience but also serves as a broader reflection on global challenges in the pursuit of peace and justice.