Human Rights Watch: Countries' Action to Prosecute the Taliban is a Step Towards Justice


27 September 2024


Tarz Press: Human Rights Watch has stated that the decision by several countries to bring the Taliban before the International Court of Justice in The Hague marks the beginning of a path towards justice for the Taliban’s egregious human rights violations against Afghan women and girls.

Fereshteh Abbasi, a researcher on Afghanistan at Human Rights Watch, welcomed the initiative, stating, "The announcement by Germany, Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands may mark the beginning of a path to justice at the World Court for the Taliban’s egregious human rights violations against Afghan women and girls."

These remarks followed the announcement by the foreign ministers of Germany, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands to hold the Taliban accountable for violating the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Human Rights Watch emphasized that this decision could eventually lead to judicial proceedings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Germany, Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands issued a joint statement on Wednesday (September 25), warning the Taliban that if they do not end gender discrimination in Afghanistan, they will face legal action in the international court.