Systematic Regression: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Destructive Role of Taliban Policies

Hamia Naderi


26 September 2024


Tarz Press: Afghanistan, a land with thousands of years of history, has always experienced many ups and downs. This country, once a hub of major cultures and civilizations, has faced numerous challenges over the past few decades.
Continuous wars, inefficient political systems, and inconsistent social developments have turned Afghanistan into one of the poorest and most underdeveloped countries in the world. This article aims to thoroughly examine the reasons for Afghanistan’s regression and the impact of Taliban policies on this situation.

A Tumultuous History and the Legacy of War

Afghanistan, from ancient times, has been a land located at the crossroads of great civilizations and powers. This geographical position made it constantly vulnerable to foreign invasions and occupations. Although this position offered opportunities for commercial and cultural growth, continuous wars and internal conflicts destroyed this potential. With the re-emergence of the Taliban after the fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2021, the situation became even more critical. The Taliban regime, relying on violent and oppressive policies, sought to impose its ideology rather than using domestic resources and opportunities for development. These policies led to the destruction of infrastructure and halted the country’s developmental processes, which Afghanistan urgently needed.

Suppression and Deprivation of Women

One of the key factors contributing to Afghanistan’s backwardness is the Taliban’s oppressive policies towards women and girls. By banning women from education and work, the Taliban excluded half of the population from the cycle of production and progress. This suppression not only harmed women’s human rights but also affected Afghanistan’s economy and social growth. Depriving women of educational and professional opportunities halted the country’s social development and weakened the public spirit. Despite these restrictions, many Afghan women have continued to fight for their rights. Their presence in protests and civil movements demonstrates a firm resolve to continue their struggle despite the Taliban’s pressures.

Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Governance

A fundamental challenge for Afghanistan in recent years has been widespread corruption in government structures. Instead of establishing a transparent and accountable government, the Taliban concentrated power and consolidated their position through corruption and insecurity. This corruption has eroded public trust in government institutions, causing people to feel increasingly disconnected from the government. In fact, the Taliban’s policies have not only failed to combat corruption but have also made them a major source of it. This situation has created a sense of despair among the population, as they no longer view the government as a body capable of addressing the country’s core issues.

Destruction of the Educational System

Afghanistan’s educational system has been one of the primary victims of the Taliban regime. The Taliban shut down girls’ schools and limited access to quality education. This deprivation, particularly among girls, is a major reason for the country’s regression. Education, as the most crucial tool for social and economic development, has come under heavy attack by the Taliban. Nevertheless, many teachers and students, despite all the obstacles, continue to strive for learning and education. This cultural and social resilience symbolizes hope for the future—though the Taliban’s return may set it back, it will never be fully extinguished.

Social and Cultural Discrimination

Social and cultural discrimination, particularly against women and ethnic and religious minorities, is another major factor in Afghanistan’s regression. The Taliban, by creating a class-based and ideological system, have deprived minorities and women of their basic rights. These discriminations have deepened social divides and increased inequalities in society. Despite this, Afghan society continues to rely on resilience and social solidarity to fight for equality and justice. Civil and cultural efforts in this regard show signs of hope for change and improvement.

Economic Crises and Widespread Poverty

Afghanistan, a country with abundant natural resources, has plunged into poverty due to continuous wars and ineffective economic policies. Widespread poverty and unemployment have placed many families in dire and hopeless situations. The country’s economy has been severely affected by insecurity and a lack of appropriate infrastructure. Instead of investing in economic development and job creation, the Taliban have used the nation’s resources to finance their fighters and suppress dissent, exacerbating these crises. Despite this, Afghan youth and entrepreneurs, both inside and outside the country, continue to seek creative solutions to create jobs and improve the economy, demonstrating that even in the hardest times, there is hope and the potential for change.

Brain Drain and Migration of the Élite

One of Afghanistan’s biggest challenges in recent decades has been the migration of the educated elite. This brain drain, caused by insecurity, lack of job opportunities, and harsh living conditions, has reduced the country’s skilled workforce. Those who could have contributed to the country’s progress and development have migrated abroad, further weakening Afghanistan. However, among these migrant elites, there are still individuals who remain loyal to their homeland and are working to improve Afghanistan’s situation through global networks.

Climate Change and Environmental Crises

Climate change and environmental crises are also significant factors in Afghanistan’s regression. Frequent droughts and water shortages have reduced agricultural production and increased poverty in rural areas. These environmental crises have affected the country’s economy and destroyed the livelihoods of many people. Despite this, farmers and local communities are seeking sustainable and innovative solutions to combat climate change and improve their circumstances.

Social and Psychological Challenges from War

The psychological impacts of wars and insecurity on the people of Afghanistan have largely been overlooked. Many individuals in Afghanistan face mental and psychological issues resulting from ongoing violence and conflict. However, civil organizations and philanthropists are working to provide psychological support services and create safe spaces for these individuals. The reasons for Afghanistan’s backwardness are complex and multifaceted. The Taliban’s oppressive policies, widespread corruption, social discrimination, and economic and environmental crises have all contributed to this nation’s regression. But amid these challenges, there is hope and a determination for change. The people of Afghanistan, relying on their culture of resistance and social solidarity, continue to fight for a better future. It is hoped that with global support and internal efforts, Afghanistan can overcome these crises and move towards development and progress.