Taliban Vow Serious Response to Pakistan’s Airspace Violation


12 August 2024


The Taliban have stated that they will respond seriously to any violation of Afghanistan's airspace by Pakistani fighter jets and have begun investigations into the matter.

Tarz Press – Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban's chief spokesperson, said that they are investigating reports of Pakistani fighter jets patrolling Afghanistan's airspace. He warned that if it is proven that Pakistan violated Afghanistan's airspace, the Taliban would respond decisively. Mujahid did not specify what the Taliban's potential response to Pakistan might be but emphasized that no country has the right to violate Afghanistan's land or airspace. He added, "The patrolling of Pakistani jets has not yet been confirmed. We are investigating the matter, and if such a violation is proven, we will take serious action."

This comes amid recent reports from residents of the eastern provinces of Kunar and Nangarhar about Pakistani fighter jets patrolling their airspace. Most recently, about two days ago, there were rumors that a Pakistani jet targeted members of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Nangarhar province, but the Taliban government denied this, and Pakistan has not officially commented on the matter. Pakistan has frequently criticized the Taliban for allegedly providing safe havens to the TTP, which, according to Pakistan, organizes its attacks on Pakistani military forces from Afghan soil. A week ago, Pakistan's army chief urged the Taliban to stop supporting the TTP and not jeopardize the "longstanding friendship" between the two governments. The Taliban have consistently denied these claims, insisting that they do not allow anyone to use Afghan territory for attacks.